August 11th - August 17th, 2014
Daily Low Tides Monday, August 11th Low tide: -1.4' @ 7:44 AM Low tide: 0.7' @ 7:56 PM Tuesday, August 12th Low tide: -1.2' @ 8:27 AM Wednesday, August 13th Low tide: -0.8' @ 9:09 AM Thursday, August 14th Low tide: -0.2' @ 9:52 AM Friday, August 15th Low tide: 0.5' @ 10:35 AM Saturday, August 16th Low tide: 1.2' @ 11:22 AM Sunday, August 17th Low tide: 1.9' @ 12:16 PM Notes from the week The HRAP team spotted lots of nudibranchs, or sea slugs, this week, including the leopard, shaggy mouse, red (or Rostanga ) and opalescent. These animals are molluscs-- as are snails, chitons, limpets, clams, squid, and octopus! Most molluscs have at least a bit of shell-- one notable exception being the octopus-- and even most sea slugs have a shell in their larval stage. Sea slugs often specialize on a cnidarian (animals with stinging cells, like jellyfish and anemones). Not only are they undeterred by these animals' stinging cells (or cni...