Spring, Sprang!

Spring has sprung at Haystack Rock and with it volunteer and staff Environmental Interpreters are finding loads of eggs and tiny juvenile recruits of different types. There have also been very interesting sightings of more precarious types that come with warmer weather; read our HRAP "nature notes" to learn more.... Tidepool Sculpin, Oligocottus maculosus , eggs Bright yellow Tidepool Sculpin, Oligocottus maculosus , eggs can be found among the barnacles and mussels, often above the tide pools during low tide. Sculpin can vary in color from red-brown to green and can grow up to 9cm long. Acorn Barnacle, Balanus glandula , recruits Tiny, juvenile Acorn Barnacle recruits dot the intertidal like adorable polka dots. These animals have small, white volcano-like shells and are very common in the tide pools at Haystack Rock and elsewhere along the Oregon coast. Barnacle Nudibranchs, Onchidoris bilamellata , and eggs ...