April 28th - May 4th 2014

Daily Low Tides

Monday, April 28th
-0.6 @ 6:49 AM

Tuesday, April 29th - Shift canceled due to truck being in the shop
-0.8 @ 7:34 AM

Wednesday, April 30th
-0.8 @ 8:17 AM

Thursday, May 1st
-0.7 @ 8:58 AM

Friday, May 2nd
-0.4 @ 9:38 AM

Saturday, May 3rd
0.0' @ 10:18 AM

Sunday, May 4th
0.4' @ 11:00 AM

Notes from the week

Good negative low tides in the early morning usually means lots of school groups scheduled to visit Haystack Rock, and this week was no exception. Staff and volunteers provided educational programs on tide pool ecology, biodiversity, adaptations, bird life, and much more for six groups throughout the week. Thankfully the weather on those days was sunny with little wind, but as the end of the week approached the clouds, rain and wind returned. We and our highest visitor count on Friday, with 56 people in the intertidal at one time during the shift

The Twelve Days of Earth Day celebration wrapped-up Monday evening with a closing ceremony featuring the documentary Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time. We're already looking forward to next years festivities!

Creature Highlights

  • Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) - Adults and a juvenile were spotted hunting the cliffs and area surrounding Haystack Rock this week, though we didn't see any birds taken as prey. *Exciting News* Two adults were seen mating on top of Haystack Rock!
  • Black Turnstone (Arenaria melanocephala) - seen throughout the week on the North side of the rock amongst the boulders.
  • Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata)
  • Western Gull (Larus occidentalis) - observed a pair mating.
  • Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani)
  • Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) - seen in the water
     Marine mammals are seen occasionally in the water around Haystack Rock. They are not a common sight like at other off shore islands around the state because the Rock is not a good haul out area. This time of year you may observe seal pups on the beach, though. It is important to remember that this is normal behavior. The mother leaves the pup on the beach while she is foraging for food at sea. Seals are shy animals and may not return to their pups if there is a lot of human activity around the young animal. Please make sure to give pups lots of space and do not disturb them. If you're not sure if an animal is stranded or believe an animal is in danger, contact the Marine Mammal Stranding Network at (503) 728 - 6211 or the Oregon State Police.


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