There have been some interesting sightings recently at Haystack Rock. Volunteers and staff have sighted juvenile octopuses, more nudibranch, a red rock crab, and a mottled sea star.
Juvenile cephalopod spotted at Haystack Rock
(Photo courtesy of Stephen Grace) |
While it's hard to tell exactly what type of cephalopod this is at this early stage, it's more than likely a Giant Pacific Octopus, Enteroctopus dofleini. The Giant Pacific Octopus has a lifespan of three to five years, which is long-lived for an octopus.
Opalescent nudibranch among aggregating anemone |
Nudibranch continue to be seen. The opalescent nudibranch eat hydroids and anemone, which fight them off with their nemotocysts (stinging cells). Opalescent nudibranchs grow to about 3 in. and live less than a year.
Red rock crab |
When visiting Haystack Rock you may see a red rock crab, cancer productus. This crab uses its pincers to crush barnacles, which it eats. It also eats small live crabs and dead fish.
Mottled sea star |
A mottled sea star, Evasterias troschelii, was also spotted. These can be found in the intertidal zone and down to 10 m or so. This sea star feeds on bivalves, limpets, barnacles, and snails, among other things. Predators include gulls.
What interesting things have you seen at Haystack Rock recently?
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