The Beach Season has Started!

Friday was the start to our 2018 season! We are beyond excited! It honestly feels like Christmas morning to be back out on the beach everyday tide pooling, bird watching, and chatting with all the peeps! Our goal as an environmental education program is teach people about the ecosystem at Haystack and hopefully through that inspire stewardship! And honestly we love almost every second of it-when it is pouring rain and blowing sideways, it’s not quite as much fun! We get to be on the beach everyday because Haystack Rock is a National Wildlife Refuge, part of the Oregon islands, and the tide pools are a state Marine Garden! This all means that the area is fully protected! So with that there is a few guidelines we ask all visitors (and us) to follow: 
1. Walk on bare sand only. 
2. Do not take or peel off any live animals.
 3. All aircrafts have to stay further than 3000 meters from the refuge. 
4. All dogs must be on a leash. 
5. Anywhere about the high tide on the rock is part of the refuge and people are not allowed there. 

Yes, it is very important to go with those guidelines! Because if those are followed, everyone on the beach can have more fun and get to explore more! Haystack Rock is a living aquarium and is free for all to visit. 

Can't wait to see everyone out on the beach from now through October! Friendly reminder: our beach shifts may canceled if it too stormy to be out on the beach. Check our facebook page for updates! 


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