September 15th - September 21st

Daily Low Tides

Monday, September 15th
2.4' @ 11:47 AM

Tuesday, September 16th
2.8' @ 12:51 PM

Wednesday, September 17th; shift cancelled due to high water
2.9' @ 2:03 PM

Thursday, September 18th
2.7' @ 3:12 PM

Friday, September 19th
2.3' @ 4:12 PM

Saturday, September 20th
1.8' @ 5:03 PM

Sunday, September 21st
1.3' @ 5:48 PM

Notes from the week

Leather Stars (Dermasterias imbricata) are not seen frequently seen at Haystack Rock, although they are a common species from Alaska to southern California. They can range in color from red-brown to orange and their surface is covered with a slippery secretion. The leather star can reach diameters to 10 inches and reside on rocky shores in the low intertidal zone to depths of 300 feet.  As the name suggests, this star feels like wet leather. It feeds predominately on anemones and urchins which it swallows whole and then digests!

Leather Star (Photo from 2005)

Leather Star; reference the boot in the photo for scale.
Photo by Emily Meshke

A Lined Chiton (Tonicella lineata) with unusual coloring was spoted in the tidepools. This chiton is typically pink as they feed on pink encrusted algae, but the one spotted was more red indicating it may have by feeding on red sponge.  This chiton can be up to 2 inches long but is typically shorter. The Lined Chiton lives in the low intertidal zone, primarily on rocks encrusted with algae. 

Lined Chiton
Photo by Katie Corliss

The highest visitor count for the week was on the 20th with 100 in the late afternoon.

Creature Highlights

  • Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus)
  • Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani)

  • Leather Star (Dermasterias imbricata)
  • Lined Chiton (Tonicella lineata)
  • Sea Lemon Nudibranch (Anisodoris nobilis)
  • Opalescent Nudibranch (Hermissenda crassicornis)
  • Hermit Crab (Pagurus spp.)
Photos from Haystack Rock

Leather Star

Leather Star

Sept, J. Duane. The Beachcomber's Guide to Seashore Life in the Pacific Northwest. Madeira Park, BC Canada: Harbour Publishing, 1999.


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