September 22nd to September 28th

Daily Low Tides

Monday, September 22nd
0.4' @ 6:11 AM
0.9' @ 6:28 PM

Tuesday, September 23rd; both sessions cancelled due to no one on the beach and rain
0.5' @ 6:55 AM
0.6' @ 7:06 PM

Wednesday, September 24th
0.7' @ 7:15 AM
0.3' @ 7:43 PM

Thursday, September 25th
0.9' @ 7:45 AM
0.1' @ 8:17 PM

Friday, September 26th
1.2' @ 8:15 AM

Saturday, September 27th
1.5' @ 8:46 AM

Sunday, September 28th
1.9' @ 9:20 AM

Thats A Wrap!

The last week on the beach saw a turn in the weather and the seas. Rain on Tuesday kept visitors from the beach and both the morning and evening shifts were canceled. Heavy surf and huge surges were the order of the day on Wednesday; the morning shift was ended 30 minutes early to ensure everyone made it safely off the beach! But by Saturday it was clear and sunny again making for a fabulous last weekend of the season!

Notes from the week

A Rufus Tipped Nudibranch was seen in the tidepools. This nudibranch has a white or gray body that is covered with projections with yellow tips, except for the gills which have red tips. It lives in the low intertidal zone and typically grows to just over 1 inch long. The diet of the Rufus Tipped Nudibranch is bryozoans.

Rufus Tipped Nudibranch

The highest visitor count for the week was on the 22nd with 64 in the late afternoon.

Creature Highlights

  • Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus)
  • Pelagic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pelagicus)
  • Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani)
  • Great Blue Heron (Ardea hernias) - The heron fly over on the last day on the beach!

  • Opalescent Nudibranch (Hermissenda crassicornis) - feeding on aggregating anemones
  • Skeleton Shrimp (Caprella sp.)
  • Kelp Crab (Pugettia producta)
  • Stalked Tunicate (Styela motereyensis)
  • Rufus Tipped Nudibranch (Acanthodoris nanaimoensis)
  • Dungeness Crab (Cancer magister)

  • Striped Surfperch (Embiotica lateralis) - spotted in the south tidepool

Photos from Haystack Rock

Final Weekend of the Season - Bird Watching HRAPers! 


Harlequin Duck 


Sept, J. Duane. The Beachcomber's Guide to Seashore Life in the Pacific Northwest. Madeira Park, BC Canada: Harbour Publishing, 1999.


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